
Activity on Page 576

1. The doctor asked me if I smoked.

2. The coffee is very fresh. It is strong and delicious.

3. There are mice living in our kitchen.

4. The box contains a beautiful necklace.

5. Unless you take your foot off the brake, the car will not go.

6. Most basketball players are very tall.

7. Many people enjoy spending a day in the city.

8. The teacher plans to take us on a field trip tomorrow.

9. Some old men in my neighborhood play cards every afternoon.

10. When I am happy, I feel like to sing.


Review Test on Page 580

1. During the storm, I was startled by the loud thunder.

2. Here is your new textbook.

3. The ending of the movie was very surprising.

4. Many animals that sleep all day are active at night.

5. The people in the photograph are my mother's relatives.

6. The city streets were fully of big yellow taxis.

7. My friend and I are usually agreeing with each other.

8. In the West, New Year's Day is celebrated on January 1.

9. If the weather is nice tomorrow, let's think about going to the city ourselves.

10. Most cheeses are made from cow's milk, about others are made from the milk of sheep or goats.

Activity on Page 579

1. Can you baby-sit for my children on Tuesday?

2. Please come to my office at 3:00.

3. You will find some computer disks in the desk drawer.

4. Miguel will begin his new job in two weeks.

5. A fight broke out between two groups of friends at the park.



1. Library is a valuable addition to a town.

2. This morning, the mail carrier brought me a letter from my cousin.

3. As I read the letter, I began to laugh at what my cousin wrote.

4. Every night we have to do lots of homework.

5. We are going to visit our friends in the Oregon next week.

6. Children should treat their parents with respect.

7. The soldiers in battle showed a great deal of courages.

8. A famous sight in Arizona is the Grand Canyon.

9. My son would like to eat spaghetti at every meal.

10. It is dangerous to stare directly at the sun.


Review Test 3

When I was about ten years old, I developed several schemes to avoid eating liver, a food I despise. My first scheme involved my little brother. Timmy too young to realize what a horrible food liver is, always ate every bit of his plate, when my parents weren't paying attention. This strategy worked until older and wiser, Tim decided to reject his liver along with the rest of us. Another liver-disposal method I used, was hiding the meat right on the plate. I'd cut the liver into tiny squares half the size of postage stamps and then I would carefully hide the pieces. I'd put them inside the skin of my baked potato, beneath some mashed peas, or under a crumpled paper napkin. This strategy worked perfectly only if my mother didn't look too closely as she scraped the dishes. Once she said to me"Do you know you left a lot of liver on your plate?"My best liver trick was to hide the disgusting stuff on a three-inch-wide wooden ledge, that ran under our dining-room table. I'd put little pieces of liver on the ledge, when Mom wasn't looking; I would sneak the dried-up scraps into the garbage early the next day. Our dog would sometimes smell the liver try to get at it, and bang his head noisily against the bottom of the table. These strategies seemed like a lot of work, but I never hesitated to take whatever steps I could. Anything was better than eating a piece of meat that tasted like old socks soaked in mud.

Review Test 2

1. Before leaving for the gym, Nikki added extra socks and a tube of shampoo to the gear in her duffel bag.

2. My father said, "Golf isn't for me. I can't afford to buy lots of expensive sticks so that I can lose lots of expensive white balls."

3. Clogged with soggy birds' nests, the chimney had allowed dangerous gases to accumulate in our house.

4. Oscar took a time-exposure photo of the busy highway, so the cars' taillights appeared in the developed print as winding red ribbons.

5. C

6. After her tragic death in Pairs, France, more than two billion people worldwide watched the televised funeral of Princess Diana of England on September 6, 1997.

7. In November, 1998, thousands of people died in Honduras because of the mudslides flooding and high winds brought by Hurricane Mitch.

8. "When I was little," said Ernie, "my brother told me it was illegal to kill praying mantises. I still don't know if that's true or not."

9. C

10. C


Page 515 Review Test

1. The psychology class read a short story called "Silent Snow, Secret Snow", about a young boy who creates his own fantasy world.

2. While filming the movie Vertigo, the actress Kim Novak was agonizing over how to play a particular scene until the director, Alfred Hitchcock, reminded her, "Kim, it's only a movie!"

3. "I'm against grade school students' using pocket calculators," said Fred."I spent three years learning long division, and so should they."

4. The composer George Gershwin wrote many hundreds of hit songs, including classics like "Summertime and Somebody Loves Me".

5. When I gagged while taking a foul-tasting medicine, my wife said,"Put an ice cube on your tongue first, and then you won't taste it."

6. I looked twice at the newspaper headline that read,"Man in River Had Drinking Problem."

7. To learn more about the stock market for his business class, Jared began reading the column by Pablo Galarza in Money magazine called "MarketRap".

8. When a guest at the wedding was asked what he was giving the couple, the replied,"About six months."

9. Theodore Roosevelt, a pioneer in conservation, once said,"When I hear of the destruction of a species, I feel as if all the works of some great writer had perished."

10. "If you're ever in trouble," said the police officer, "you'll have a better chance of attracting aid if you shout Fire instead of Help."

Page 507 Review Test

1. sofa's chair's

2. barn's hayloft's

3. book's customer's

4. Phil's writer's

5. boss's Charlie's

6. couldn't car's

7. parents' children's

8. cat's dog's

9. sun's street's

10. river's Henderson's


Pages 499-501

1. The Puerto Rican Pride Parade will begin at three three-thirty in front of the newspaper office at one-oh-six South Forty-Second Street.
330 106 42th

2. It took 4 hours to proofread all 75 pages of the manuscript.
four seventy-five

3. We expect to have fifty percent of the work completed by March tenth.
50 10

1. Between mid-Nov. and the beginning of Jan., I typically gain about five lbs.
November January pounds

2. I had such a bad headache this aftern. that I called my doc. for an appt.
afternoon doctor appointment

3. I stopped at the p.o. at about twenty min. past ten and bought five dol. worth of stamps.
post office minutes dollars

Review Test
1. Sanjay was shocked when he transferred from a small h.s. to one with over 5,000 students.
high school five thousand

2. Grandpa lived to be ninety-nine despite smoking 3 packs of cigs. every day.
three cigarettes

3. Although the 2 girls are twins, they have different birthdays: one was born just before midnight on Feb. twenty-fifth and the other a few minutes later, after midnight.
two February 25

4. In their first week of Span. class, students learned to count from 1 to twenty-one and studied Chapter One in their textbook.
Spanish one 1

5. When I cleaned out the junk drawer in the kitch., I found twelve rubber hands, thirty-seven paper clips, and 3 used-up batteries.
kitchen three



1. When the elephants are dancing on their hind legs, the audience cheered wildly as the elephants paraded by.
Or: Dancing on their hind legs, the elephants were cheered wildly by the audience when parading by.

2. Last seen wearing dark glasses and a blond wig, the police spokesperson said the suspect was still being sought.
( I don't know how to do this .)

3. When I was pouring out the cereal, a coupon fell into my bowl of milk.
Or: Pouring out the cereal, my bowl of milk was fell into a coupon.

4. Escorted by dozens of police motorcycles, I knew the limousine carried someone important.
( I don't know how to do it.)

5. Although we were tired and exasperated, the flight we had was inevitable.
Or: Tired and exasperated, we had the inevitable flight.

6. When Fran was packing tightly in a tiny can, he had difficulty removing the anchovies.

7. Kicked carelessly under the bed, sneakers were found by Raquel finally.
Or: Although sneakers were kicked carelessly under the bed, Raquel finally found them.

8. While workers are working at the Xerox machine, the morning dragged on.

9. While I was sitting at a sidewalk cafe, all sorts of interesting people passed by.
Or: Sitting at a sidewalk cafe , I saw all sorts of interesting people passing by.

10. Though somewhat warped, Uncle Zeke played his records from the forties.