
Page 515 Review Test

1. The psychology class read a short story called "Silent Snow, Secret Snow", about a young boy who creates his own fantasy world.

2. While filming the movie Vertigo, the actress Kim Novak was agonizing over how to play a particular scene until the director, Alfred Hitchcock, reminded her, "Kim, it's only a movie!"

3. "I'm against grade school students' using pocket calculators," said Fred."I spent three years learning long division, and so should they."

4. The composer George Gershwin wrote many hundreds of hit songs, including classics like "Summertime and Somebody Loves Me".

5. When I gagged while taking a foul-tasting medicine, my wife said,"Put an ice cube on your tongue first, and then you won't taste it."

6. I looked twice at the newspaper headline that read,"Man in River Had Drinking Problem."

7. To learn more about the stock market for his business class, Jared began reading the column by Pablo Galarza in Money magazine called "MarketRap".

8. When a guest at the wedding was asked what he was giving the couple, the replied,"About six months."

9. Theodore Roosevelt, a pioneer in conservation, once said,"When I hear of the destruction of a species, I feel as if all the works of some great writer had perished."

10. "If you're ever in trouble," said the police officer, "you'll have a better chance of attracting aid if you shout Fire instead of Help."
