
Pages 499-501

1. The Puerto Rican Pride Parade will begin at three three-thirty in front of the newspaper office at one-oh-six South Forty-Second Street.
330 106 42th

2. It took 4 hours to proofread all 75 pages of the manuscript.
four seventy-five

3. We expect to have fifty percent of the work completed by March tenth.
50 10

1. Between mid-Nov. and the beginning of Jan., I typically gain about five lbs.
November January pounds

2. I had such a bad headache this aftern. that I called my doc. for an appt.
afternoon doctor appointment

3. I stopped at the p.o. at about twenty min. past ten and bought five dol. worth of stamps.
post office minutes dollars

Review Test
1. Sanjay was shocked when he transferred from a small h.s. to one with over 5,000 students.
high school five thousand

2. Grandpa lived to be ninety-nine despite smoking 3 packs of cigs. every day.
three cigarettes

3. Although the 2 girls are twins, they have different birthdays: one was born just before midnight on Feb. twenty-fifth and the other a few minutes later, after midnight.
two February 25

4. In their first week of Span. class, students learned to count from 1 to twenty-one and studied Chapter One in their textbook.
Spanish one 1

5. When I cleaned out the junk drawer in the kitch., I found twelve rubber hands, thirty-seven paper clips, and 3 used-up batteries.
kitchen three

1 条评论:

daniallyson 说...

Good Job, here are a few suggestions.

The first two activities are great:)

Review Test
Great job:)