

1. When the elephants are dancing on their hind legs, the audience cheered wildly as the elephants paraded by.
Or: Dancing on their hind legs, the elephants were cheered wildly by the audience when parading by.

2. Last seen wearing dark glasses and a blond wig, the police spokesperson said the suspect was still being sought.
( I don't know how to do this .)

3. When I was pouring out the cereal, a coupon fell into my bowl of milk.
Or: Pouring out the cereal, my bowl of milk was fell into a coupon.

4. Escorted by dozens of police motorcycles, I knew the limousine carried someone important.
( I don't know how to do it.)

5. Although we were tired and exasperated, the flight we had was inevitable.
Or: Tired and exasperated, we had the inevitable flight.

6. When Fran was packing tightly in a tiny can, he had difficulty removing the anchovies.

7. Kicked carelessly under the bed, sneakers were found by Raquel finally.
Or: Although sneakers were kicked carelessly under the bed, Raquel finally found them.

8. While workers are working at the Xerox machine, the morning dragged on.

9. While I was sitting at a sidewalk cafe, all sorts of interesting people passed by.
Or: Sitting at a sidewalk cafe , I saw all sorts of interesting people passing by.

10. Though somewhat warped, Uncle Zeke played his records from the forties.

1 条评论:

daniallyson 说...

1. The first example is ok, the second "parading by" should be modifying elephants.

2. The policeman said that the suspect was last seen wearing dark glasses and a blond wig, and was still being sought.

3. good

4. I knew the limousine was carrying someone important because it was escorted by dozens of police motorcycles.

5. good

6. Fran had difficulty removing the anchovies because they were tightly packed in a tiny can.

7. Raquel kicked carelessly under the bed and found her sneakers.

8. okay

9. good.

10. Uncle Zeke played his recoreds from the forties even though they were somewhat warped.

*There are many different ways these sentences could be written, these are just some examples.