

1. Library is a valuable addition to a town.

2. This morning, the mail carrier brought me a letter from my cousin.

3. As I read the letter, I began to laugh at what my cousin wrote.

4. Every night we have to do lots of homework.

5. We are going to visit our friends in the Oregon next week.

6. Children should treat their parents with respect.

7. The soldiers in battle showed a great deal of courages.

8. A famous sight in Arizona is the Grand Canyon.

9. My son would like to eat spaghetti at every meal.

10. It is dangerous to stare directly at the sun.

1 条评论:

daniallyson 说...

1. A library

2. correct

3. correct

4. correct

5. "the" isn't needed

6. correct

7. courage no "s"

8. correct

9. correct

10. correct

good job:)