
252 Assignment

1. We both began to tire as we passed the halfway mark in the race. But whenever I'd hear Reggie's footsteps behind me, I would pump my legs faster.

2. I have a few phobias such as fear of heights and fear of dogs. My nightmare is to be trapped in a hot-air ballon with three German shepherds.

3. Punching all the buttons on his radio in sequence, Phil kept looking for a good song. He was in the mood to cruise down the highway and sing at the top of his voice.

4. My children joke that we celebrate "Hanumas" with our Jewish neihbors. We share Hanukkah and Christmas activities, including making patato pancakes at their house and decorating our tree.

5. I noticed two cartons of cigarettes sticking up out of my neighbor's trash bag. I realized he had made up his mind to give up smoking for the fifth time this year.

6. I've decided to leave home and rent an apartment. By being away from home and on my own, I will get along better with my parents.

7. The alley behind our house was flat except for a wide groove in the center. We used to sail paper boats down the groove, whenever it rained hard enough to creat a "river" there.

8. Don passed the computer school's aptitude test, which qualifies him for nine months of training. Don kidded that anyone could be accepted, if he or she had $4,000.

1 条评论:

daniallyson 说...

Awesome job on this assignment!